Performance Tips#

The following functions provide users with controls for optimizing MyGrad code by either suspending its memory-guarding behavior or by disabling automatic differentiation altogether. These are important utilities for speeding up your code.

Beyond the points made below, general performance tips for NumPy – e.g. leveraging vectorized operations, heeding NumPy’s row-major memory layout for arrays when constructing tensors, and using basic indexing to create views of arrays instead of copies – apply equally to MyGrad and its tensors. After all, MyGrad operates almost entirely in NumPy arrays and NumPy functions under the hood.

Suspending Graph-Tracking for Automatic Differentiation#


Serves as a context manager and decorator for suspending all computational graph tracking.

In the case that you want to run a computation involving MyGrad tensors, but you don’t need to access their gradients (e.g. when measuring the “test-time” performance of a model that you are training), then you can use the provided decorator/context-manager for suspending all of MyGrad’s “graph-tracking” features.

>>> import mygrad as mg
>>> with mg.no_autodiff:
...     # any mygrad code in this context will run faster
...     # but will not produce any gradients

Note that this also suspends all memory-guarding (see below), since MyGrad doesn’t need to ensure the preservation of any state.

Suspending all graph-tracking features can speed up code involving many small tensors substantially - about a 3x speedup.

Controlling Memory-Guarding Behavior#


A context manager used to suspend memory-locking behavior


A context manager used to enable memory-locking behavior


Globally disables all memory-guarding mechanisms, except for in contexts where they are explicitly enabled.


Globally disables all memory-guarding mechanisms, except for in contexts where they are explicitly enabled.

By default, MyGrad tracks and locks the readability of all of the NumPy arrays that are involved in computational graphs involving tensors.

These stateful graphs are how MyGrad is able to perform backpropagation and compute the gradients of tensors involved in a given calculation. Because of the stateful nature of a computational graph, mutating a NumPy array inplace could corrupt the state of the computational graph - i.e. the derivatives computed would not accurately reflect the values that were used during the “forward pass”. Read the following code to see such a mutation rear its head.

>>> import mygrad as mg
>>> import numpy as np
>>> mg.turn_memory_guarding_off()  # speeds up calculations, but with risks involved..
>>> x = np.arange(3.)
>>> y = mg.ones_like(x)
>>> z = x * y
>>> x[:] = 0  # mutates x, corrupting state associated with z
>>> z.backward()
>>> y.grad  # would be array([0., 1., 2.]) if graph wasn't corrupted
array([0., 0., 0.])

Note that, were x an instance of Tensor, there would not be any issue with the above calculation, since MyGrad can track the in-place update on a tensor. MyGrad cannot, on the otherhand track such operations involving only NumPy arrays

Thus MyGrad prohibits such mutations with its aforementioned “memory guarding” behavior, however it is smart about restoring the writeability of all arrays once they are no longer participating in a computational graph (e.g. backpropagation has been performed through the graph).

>>> import mygrad as mg
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.arange(3.)
>>> y = mg.ones_like(x)
>>> z = x * y
>>> try:
...     x[:] = 0  # raises because `x` is made read-only
... except ValueError:
...     pass
>>> z.backward()
>>> y.grad  # correct gradient is computed
array([0., 1., 2.])
>>> x[:] = 0  # the writeability of `x` is restored once backprop is complete

This memory-guarding behavior comes at a cost: for computations involving many small tensors (e.g. in an handmade RNN) this can lead to slowdowns of ~50%. Thus MyGrad provides various mechanisms for disabling all such memory-guards. Note, however, for computations involving large tensors (e.g. for typical dense and convolutional neural networks), the overhead associated with the memory-guarding feature is likely negligible compared to the core numerical computations at play.

If one wants to enjoy the optimizations associated with removing memory guarding, it is recommended that you first test your code with the default memory guarding enabled; once you have witnessed that MyGrad didn’t raise any errors, you can then proceed to run your code “at scale” with memory-guarding disabled.

Make Use of Views but Avoid Involving them in In-Place Operations#

Please refer to the section on views and in-place operations for more details. The upshot is: views of tensors are efficient to create, as they do not involve copying any memory, but performing an in-place operations on a tensor will copy that tensor. Furthermore, performing an in-place operation on a view will lead to the creation of a copy of its associated base tensor.

If you are relying on this mutation propagating to many various views, then this can still be a net-gain in performance compared to updating all of them “manually”. But, generally, in-place updates on tensors do not have the same performance benefits as do augmentations on NumPy arrays.