Source code for mygrad.nnet.layers.pooling

from numbers import Integral
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from mygrad.nnet.layers.utils import sliding_window_view
from mygrad.operation_base import Operation
from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor
from mygrad.typing import ArrayLike

class MaxPoolND(Operation):
    def __call__(self, x, pool, stride):
        """Perform max-pooling over the last N dimensions of a data batch.

        Extended Summary
        The data consists of N trailing axes to be pooled over, denoted by ``C0, ...``. These
        can be preceded, optionally, by un-pooled axes, denoted by ``(N0, ...)``. The dimensions
        of the window over which pooling is performed is denoted by ``P0, ...``. The window
        is placed with stride values ``S0, ...``.

        Ultimately the pooled channels have a shape ``G0, ...``.

        x : mygrad.Tensor, shape=([...], C0, ...)
            The data batch; to be pooled along the trailing axes denoted by ``C0, ...``.

        pool : Tuple[Integral, ...], (P0, ...)
            The extent of the pooling window along the ``(C0, ...)`` axes, respectively. The
            length of `pool` determines ``N`` - the number of trailing dimensions to pool over.

        stride : Union[Integral, Tuple[Integral, ...]], (S0, ...)
            The spacing used to place the pooling window, along ``(P0, ...)`` axes, respectively.
            If a single value is provided, it is used for all N pooling axes.

        numpy.ndarray, shape=([...], G0, ...)
            The pooled data batch.

        Only 'valid' placements of the pooling window are permitted - the pooling
        window cannot extend passed the "boundaries" of the data
        self.variables = (x,)  # data: ((N0, ...), C0, ...)
        x =

        assert isinstance(pool, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)) and all(
            i >= 0 and isinstance(i, Integral) for i in pool
        pool = np.asarray(pool, dtype=int)
        assert all(i > 0 for i in pool)
        assert x.ndim >= len(
        ), "The number of pooled dimensions cannot exceed the dimensionality of the data."

        stride = (
            np.array([stride] * len(pool))
            if isinstance(stride, Integral)
            else np.asarray(stride, dtype=int)
        assert len(stride) == len(pool) and all(
            s >= 1 and isinstance(s, Integral) for s in stride

        self.pool = pool  # (P0, ...)
        self.stride = stride  # (S0, ...)

        num_pool = len(pool)
        num_no_pool = x.ndim - num_pool

        x_shape = np.array(x.shape[num_no_pool:])
        w_shape = pool

        out_shape = (x_shape - w_shape) / stride + 1

        if not all(i.is_integer() and i > 0 for i in out_shape):
            msg = "Stride and kernel dimensions are incompatible: \n"
            msg += f"Input dimensions: {(tuple(x_shape))}\n"
            msg += f"Stride dimensions: {(tuple(stride))}\n"
            msg += f"Pooling dimensions: {(tuple(w_shape))}\n"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        pool_axes = tuple(-(i + 1) for i in range(num_pool))

        # (G0, ...) is the tuple of grid-positions for placing each window (not including stride)
        # sliding_window_view(x): ((N0, ...), C0, ...)          -> (G0, ..., (N0, ...), P0, ...)
        # max-pool:               (G0, ..., (N0, ...), P0, ...) -> (G0, ..., (N0, ...))
        maxed = sliding_window_view(x, self.pool, self.stride).max(axis=pool_axes)
        axes = tuple(range(maxed.ndim))

        # (G0, ..., (N0, ...)) -> ((N0, ...), G0, ...)
        out = maxed.transpose(axes[-num_no_pool:] + axes[:-num_no_pool])
        return out if out.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] else np.ascontiguousarray(out)

    def backward_var(self, grad, index, **kwargs):
        grad : numpy.ndarray, shape=((N0, ...), G0, ...),
        index : int"""
        var = self.variables[index]
        x =
        num_pool = len(self.pool)

        sl = sliding_window_view(x, self.pool, self.stride)
        grid_shape = sl.shape
        maxed = sl.reshape(*sl.shape[:-num_pool], -1).argmax(-1)
        axes = tuple(range(maxed.ndim))

        # argmax within a given flat-window
        maxed = maxed.transpose(
            axes[num_pool:] + axes[:num_pool]
        )  # ((N0, ...), G0, ...)

        # flat-index offset associated with reshaped window within `x`
        row_major_offset = tuple(np.cumprod(x.shape[-num_pool:][:0:-1])[::-1]) + (1,)

        # flat index of argmax, updated based on position within window, according to shape of `x`
        in_window_offset = sum(
            ind * off
            for ind, off in zip(np.unravel_index(maxed, self.pool), row_major_offset)

        # flat-index of strided window placement, relative to `x`
        window_offset = sum(
            ind * s * off
            for ind, s, off in zip(
                np.indices(grid_shape[:num_pool]), self.stride, row_major_offset

        # indices required to traverse pool-axis-flattened array
        # ((N0, ...) G0*...)
        flat_grid_shape = (*maxed.shape[:-num_pool],[-num_pool:]))
        index = np.indices(flat_grid_shape)

        # update trailing indices to traverse location of max entries within pooled axes
        index[-1] = (in_window_offset + window_offset).reshape(
            *flat_grid_shape[:-1], -1

        # accumulate gradient within pool-axis-flattened dx, then reshape to match shape of `x`
        dx = np.zeros(x.shape[:-num_pool] + ([-num_pool:]),)), tuple(index), grad.reshape(*x.shape[:-num_pool], -1))
        return dx.reshape(x.shape)

[docs]def max_pool( x: ArrayLike, pool: Tuple[int, ...], stride: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], *, constant: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Perform max-pooling over the last N dimensions of a data batch. Extended Summary ---------------- The data consists of N trailing axes to be pooled over, denoted by ``C0, ...``. These can be preceded, optionally, by un-pooled axes, denoted by ``(N0, ...)``. The dimensions of the window over which pooling is performed is denoted by ``P0, ...``. The window is placed with stride values ``S0, ...``. Ultimately the pooled channels have a shape ``G0, ...``. Parameters ---------- x : mygrad.Tensor, shape=([...], C0, ...) The data batch; to be pooled along the trailing axes denoted by ``C0, ...``. pool : Tuple[Integral, ...], (P0, ...) The extent of the pooling window along the ``(C0, ...)`` axes, respectively. The length of `pool` determines ``N`` - the number of trailing dimensions to pool over. stride : Union[Integral, Tuple[Integral, ...]], (S0, ...) The spacing used to place the pooling window, along ``(P0, ...)`` axes, respectively. If a single value is provided, it is used for all ``N`` pooling axes. constant : Optional[None] If True, the resulting Tensor is a constant. Returns ------- Tensor, shape=([...], G0, ...) The pooled data batch. Notes ----- Only "valid" placements of the pooling window are permitted - the pooling window cannot extend passed the "boundaries" of the data dimensions. Examples -------- Simple 2D pooling on a 2D tensor. Tiling a 2x2 max-pool window with stride-1 over a shape-(3, 3) tensor ``x``: >>> import mygrad as mg >>> from mygrad.nnet import max_pool >>> x = mg.Tensor([[0., 10., 8.], ... [2., 7., 3.], ... [5., 7., 20.]]) >>> out = max_pool(x, pool=(2, 2), stride=1) >>> out Tensor([[ 10., 10.], [ 7., 20.]]) >>> out.sum().backward() # sum to reduce to scalar for back-prop >>> x.grad # dout/dx array([[0., 2., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) Let's perform 1D pooling on a 2D tensor. Each row of the tensor will be pooled over independently. Let's apply a size-2 max-pool window to each row of ``x``, using a stride of 1: >>> x = mg.Tensor([[0., 10., 8.], ... [9., 7., 3.], ... [5., 0., 20.]]) >>> max_pool(x, pool=(2,), stride=1) Tensor([[10., 10.], [ 9., 7.], [ 5., 20.]]) Here we perform pooling over the trailing two dimensions of a 4D tensor, ``x``. By specifying ``pool = (2, 2)``, we instruct ``max_pool`` to tile a 2x2 pooling window along these last two axes. Let's apply the window every two rows, and for each column; i.e. we specify ``stride = (2, 1)``: >>> import numpy as np >>> x = mg.Tensor(np.random.rand(10, 3, 12, 12)) >>> pool = (2, 2) # 2x2 pooling over the last axes >>> stride = (2, 1) # Apply 2x1 stride >>> out = max_pool(x, pool, stride) # max-pooled Tensor >>> out.shape (10, 3, 6, 11) Had we specified, say, ``pool = (3, 2, 2)``, then a 3x2x2 pooling window would have been tiled along the last *three* axes of ``x``. """ return Tensor._op(MaxPoolND, x, op_args=(pool, stride), constant=constant)